Devotees greet Amma in shanti mandapam before beginning daily pooja
Amma doing daily narayani pooja in shanti mandapam
Sri Sakthi Amma
Sri Sakthi Amma is is a great Avatar of our time, living in southern rural India in a place called Tamlnadu. Amma's purpose in this life is to 'lead humanity on the spiritual path and to uplift the lives of those in need'. Sri Sakthi Amma was born an enlightened being with special divine powers and would play manifesting tricks at school and amongst Her friends and family. Amma would constantly be found in temples through Vellore, doing pooja and giving special blessings to those in attendance. I know it seems a little confusing that i keep referring to Amma as 'She' or 'Her' but I assure you, Amma is an incarnation of Divine Mother. The energy that flows from this holy being is that of the Mother. Sri Sakthi Amma in an incarnation of the Goddess Narayani, which is the culmination of the three deities Lakshmi, Saraswati and Durga and is said to be the highest form of feminine energy. At the turn of every age the Divine incarnates on earth to restore dharma and righteousness and to bring balance back to the planet. Sri Sakthi Amma does pooja daily and has done so, for the last 24 years anchoring divine energy for all beings in all worlds. Hundreds of souls gather every day to see Sri Sakthi Amma and take part in Her initiatives. Devotees support Ammas' mission globally and have dedicated their lives to serving Sri Sakthi Amma and Her mission to alleviate poverty through education, health, environmental projects and giving to those in need.
Sri Narayani Peedam is an extraordinary charitable organisation and a thriving temple that serves thousands of people yearly who frequent it from all over the world.
Sri Sakthi Amma has planted over one million trees as part of Her Green Sakthi Environmental Program, She feeds approximately six thousand people a day in the Anna Poorni Kitchen and has established two schools for children of whom almost all go on to complete college education. Sri Sakthi Amma has opened a hospital that provides care to the sick and needy from the rural local villages and because of Her recycling plant with zero waste, was awarded first place for the greenest temple in India. Sri Sakthi Amma is also involved in many other charitable organisations when needed, being active in Her support for the vulnerable at a national level.
Sri Sakthi Narayani Amma
'baze your way to freedom' spiritual intensive June 2015
How I met Amma
I first met Amma back in 2012 on retreat with my spiritual teacher Shakti Durga. When I got sober in 2006, as part of my spiritual program it was suggested that I start praying to a God of my own understanding. At first this was the sun, then the ocean, then just an energy that was always with me. This energy had a very funny sense of humour and an overwhelming capacity to love me back to life. From the very first time I met Amma I knew that the God I had been praying to all along was in fact Sri Sakthi Amma. I knew it the second I looked into Her eyes. I have not looked back since that day. Sri Sakthi Amma is an Avatara which means She is omnipresent. I can travel to visit Her in Peedam and also have the luxury of praying to Her in the comfort of my own home. Amma is everywhere all the time, always guiding, listening and loving. I have not once felt alone since realizing that She is with me.
I live my life in service to Amma and Her plan for peace and harmony on this Earth!